Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I've posted a fun kids site!

I've just added a fun link to my kids section!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Christmas Morning in Dollie Land!

This little Christmas set is made of a 6.5" Christmas Tree, a 1.5" Doll, a 1 5/8" Pillow Bear, and a 2" Wicker Wagon all handmade with love! :)
...this set is adopted...

 A little smile can go a long way!
 Do you want to get in the wagon?
 They are so excited for Christmas!

I've just added a fun link to my kids educational/craft section!...Fun! :)
Thanks for visiting!
Remember to set your clocks back at 2am! :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Some of my newest creations...

Purple Sock Monkey...available..on Ebay
Safari Diaper Bag...Available..on Ebay